Transmission #1, Black bears and hungry ghosts
For those who don’t know, I have been transcribing a novel as told to me by a wonderful spirit from the Northern Rivers I know as ‘Nonna’. The past week her world has been off kilter, and today for the first time I have been asked to share her words directly with all of you. We sidestep the story today as Nonna has something she needs to say. She doesn’t look OK. The last few days she says she has been in a war. She couldn’t even see me for a couple of days, and another spirit Katie came to share the story for her instead. She is here now. Both of them are here now. These are her words. ‘It’s those damned black bears bubba, always carrying on about which side to fight for, even though neither side can ever win. We can’t keep fighting like this, there’s never a win; when there’s a fight. But you know this already bubba, that’s why you’re here. ‘You know this already.’ She guides my vision to a gumtree on a hill. ‘You see them trees? They used to be owned by the white man, by the white man who lived here. Now they’re owned by other white men, that don’t live here. And they don’t live here so they don’t care. But part of them lives here, part of them that’s the black bear. There’s no spirit in the black bear. It’s empty like those shadows, like those hungry ghosts in your story. They’re the black bears bubba. They’re the parts of man that are left behind when their souls die. ‘They’re the parts of man that are left behind when they decide to control, and to make the land work for them, and to make the earth their slave, and to make the other men their slaves too. ‘You see that tree, and why it looks so lonely? Cos it knows that it’s owner is a hungry ghost, and the energy has left this place. That’s why the people are leaving bubba, it’s why the people are leaving the rivers, cos the big black bears are getting hungrier, and that’s what we’re fighting. We’re fighting them big black bears.’ My mind wanders back a few years to some odd interactions I had in Byron during a tumultuous time. ‘That’s right, you saw one, a black bear, years ago, down at the dance studio near the swamp. That’s exactly what I’m talking about. And yes you saw another, at your friend’s house, the one that started choking her. They didn’t originate here, they weren’t born out of the swamps; they just feast on those that dwell there. The ghosts they land here with the man that decides to buy up the land from afar, and they land here the moment the deeds are signed. That little transaction, that small agreement, changes everything. And now all up and down the land, you know what I mean, there are no custodians anymore; at least they’re becoming fewer and further between, cos the people that control them don’t have any spirit here. ‘That’s why this whole system is wrong. ‘That’s why these structures that they play in are wrong. ‘There’s these corporations that have thousands and thousands of employees, but the people who own those corporations, they don’t know one single name on the floor, all of those people are just slaving away to serve another big black bear. Another hungry ghost. And the hungry ghosts keep eating up each other, until there’s fewer and fewer. ‘But you know once upon a time there were no black bears. Once upon a time, the business was a bridge between one man and another, so that he could offer his product or service. It was his way of being in service. You knew exactly what you were getting and why, and that man put his heart and soul into it. When I say he, you know I mean he or she, and you know I say man but I mean the ‘living man’ and the ‘living woman’. But you know, I only have so many words, and so little time to speak them. ‘But now, with these huge multinational corporations, there’s no connection, between that core – if you can call it a core – and all it’s off shoots, and all of the products and services that it sells. And by the time you get to the person who’s selling it, they don’t know what the fuck they’re selling, and they don’t know why. They’ve lost all connection; they don’t even know who the people are two or three rungs up the ladder from them. So they don’t care. And so much of the time the corporation doesn’t even offer anything; it just makes money from money itself. A hungry ghost devoid of life that offers nothing and sucks up everything. ‘But it used to be in business that a business was fulfilled, that IT was whole, cos the person that ran it that WAS it; was living out their life purpose THROUGH it. They knew why they were here. One living woman serving another living woman. ‘When a man sets up a bakery because his great grandfather was a baker then it’s in his blood, every cell in his body knows why he’s there. He lives in his work. His body fits his soul and his soul fits his body. And his business fits both of them while it serves the greater good. ‘When a woman sets up a boutique ‘cos she’s always known how to create, because it brings her into the present moment, because she gets fulfilment and connection out of crafting something from virtually nothing, because it brings joy to another person’s spirit, she knows exactly why she’s there. ‘And when a man sets up a flower shop because it reminds him of the joy that his grandmother used to get on a Sunday when he and his family would visit and bring her flowers, he knows that he’s instilling that same joy and connection in his customers, and igniting in them the wonder of nature. ‘When a women sets herself up as an architect ‘cos she remembers the awe with which she looked up as a child, and studied the intricacies of church spires, the curves and arches and passageways of art galleries and city scapes; she’s in her body and she’s in her spirit and she’s in her business, and she knows that she’s here to create that awe and wonder for others. ‘When a man walks through a door and comes to sell you insurance from a company whose supervisor doesn’t know his name, who’s boss is eight stories up behind glass doors, who’s floor can only be accessed by those elite with a particular access code, who’s never been thanked for his work a day in his life, who has to persistently beg for business because 29 out of 30 people say ‘no’; he is empty, he has no purpose, he disconnects from his body, and the very structure that he works for has no idea who he is, nor who any of the other 1000s of their sales reps are. And they don’t care. They can’t even keep track of the number of funnels the company uses to suck money and resources out of a community to feed it’s ever. Hungry. Ghost. ‘You see bubba we’re not fighting rules and we’re not fighting parameters. They’re just the periphery, they’re just the symptom, and they’re just the result of decades and decades and centuries of hungry ghosts walking the planet. People say this war is biblical and it is. This is why. It’s a hungry ghost that wants to put a chip in your arm so you can be weaponised. It’s a hungry ghost that puts poisons in the supermarket shelves and disguises them as food. It’s a hungry ghost that wants to emit deadly electrical frequencies into the atmosphere and control all life. It’s a hungry ghost that wants to create an enemy out of our fellow sentient beings beyond the stars. It’s a hungry ghost that wants to weaponise space; against them, and against us. It’s a hungry ghost that wants to rape and pillage every last resource on this earth until she is an empty shell. It is a hungry ghost that wants to own your spirit and it knows it can’t own it without separating you from it first. It’s a hungry ghost that wants to suck you dry but will never, ever be satisfied. ‘There is only one cure. We need to starve them out. And we are starving them out. And as every single one of you wakes up and reconnects your soul to your body, then that is one more soul that the hungry ghosts cannot claim. ‘And for every one of you that takes custodianship of a piece of land, whether that which you own, or at least is owned by someone with a heart of service, then the spirit of that land will be restored and reconnected. The hungry ghost cannot claim it. ‘We must become sovereign custodians of ourselves, custodians of our lands, custodians of our businesses and dreams and custodians of the spirits. Bubba just as you are listening to me now, others must learn to listen to the light spirits that are alive from within their own spark; these are not hungry ghosts, but they are in the middle of a spiritual war and you must help feed them and keep them strong. And that happens every time you listen. Your simple loving attention feeds them and allows them to keep doing the good work.’ My mind considers the growing awareness of law versus legal, living versus dead. ‘Yes bubba, you know that the law has something to do with this too, for the legal system only ever works for the dead. The hungry ghosts. Therefor you must stop engaging with dead systems, because they are all run by hungry ghosts. Stop feeding them your power. Stop feeding them your life blood. I don’t need to tell you any more bubba; you know how to translate this. You know how to feed the spirits with your attention and starve the hungry ghosts through lack of it. ‘You know that in your thoughts. ‘You know that in your actions. ‘You know that in how and where you spend your money. ‘You know that in whom you decide to work for, or with – preferably with. ‘And you know how to start. By uncovering the truth, and shining light on these beings that have been living in the dark for so long. Longer than you can possibly imagine. Through way more timelines and realms than you can imagine. And yes there are many time line wars going on across the realms and you all affect each other. You don’t know that but you do. And for every person that shines a light here in this time and space, a little spark moves to another realm and ignites that as well. We are at the point where we are all responsible across time, throughout time, and throughout realm.’ I think of the video I watched last night from I.T.N.J. regarding lockdown, and Sacha Stone mentioned the clearing of the pineal gland as specified by Dietrich Klinghart. ‘Yes bubba you are right you absolutely must clear out your pineal gland and get that working again. As that crystallises and as that goes dark, you disconnect from the soul and yet another hungry ghost can just swallow it up and you will never know how you have become so dim. So you must clear it and remain in deep connection with your soul to keep it safe. ‘Now we know what we are fighting and we know what we are fighting for, and we know that the how is infinitely different to what we’ve sensed before. We’re not fighting … Continue reading Transmission #1, Black bears and hungry ghosts
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