Blessed are the red pilled

  May all the  bitter red pills you had to swallow Nourish and heal the scars from the jagged lies you were sold   May all the steely glares that burnt  into your beautiful naked face Twist into smiles as lost souls find solace in your radiance   May all the backs that turned on you in compliant disgust Become a human shield that protects you from the shrapnel of illusion   May all the violent words spat out at your unbridled footsteps Transmute into worded rhythms that beckon you to dance   May the constant taunts at your selfish insanity through not following orders Become the low hum of gratitude that infuses you with grace   May all the weary days and weeks and years of isolation Bring you to the greatest union with and reverence for yourself   May all the roads you had to walk alone and ostracised Be paved with bricks of the kind of gold that nourishes your soul   May all the words of truth you spoke that were silenced Be sung back to you in a glorious harmonious embrace   May all the times you were locked out of life for daring to think Guide you to find your soul tribe amongst the ashes on the street   May all the moments the madness made you want to leave Strengthen your resolve to create a world worth living in   May all the times they threatened and abused and ignored you Remind you of the incredible strength and resilience you inhabit   May all the invasions that told you, you don’t belong here Guide you to your kindreds who will make this place your home   May our divine guidance call our life paths to cross one day So that I may embrace you and say thank you for staying true