Transmission #10, Social Wars

This morning I awoke to a war zone on Facebook, and I decided I need to get out of it as it’s taking up all my energy, and my energy needs to go towards something more positive. I’m sick and tired of having to explain and justify myself to people. It doesn’t do any good. The line was drawn in the sand a long time ago, and very few people are crossing it these days.  So Nonna I would love your insight into this craziness please.  It’s about navigation bubba, which way you gonna look? Whatcha gonna look at? Whatcha gonna see when you look at it?  It always comes back down to what you think and what you feel inside. It’s always what’s at the steering wheel. No one can force you into anything, into any feeling, those interactions that make your heart rage, are just sign posts bubba, to the stuff that’s still welling up inside that you need to get out.  It’s not enough to just turn the other way, it doesn’t matter where you turn, the signposts will keep popping up, and you know this. You need to do the inner work too. It’s so important to do the inner work. To clear out that which fires you up, this is different to what ignites you. Cos that spark that ignites you can make you very productive.  But that which fires you up short circuits your system and makes you tired, as you well know. But there is a balance here.  Your voice is still needed, but perhaps you need to be more thoughtful about where you place it.   You’ve been told to clean up your environment, and that includes your online environment. You need to be very precise about where you put your words, and to whom. And you need to decide if all posts opinions viewpoints are even worth responding to, even when they are directed at you, ‘cos as you know, no one can ever point a finger without three fingers pointing directly back at them.   I was thinking just the other day bubba, when you were on the beach, that there’s such medicine in all that you share. Medicine doesn’t always taste good, does it? Sometimes you need to cover it up with honey and liquorice, to make it more palatable. And so it can be with words, it’s about a gentle easing into something rather than an abrasive in your face annihilation of the senses. I know you do gentle very well, but there are some people who will always take even gentle like filthy acid to the tongue.   If someone doesn’t have a receptor for ease, they won’t sense your ease. If someone doesn’t have a receptor for gentle, they won’t sense your gentle.  They will only encounter the hard truth behind it, and it will slap them in the head like a cement wall in the middle of the path when they haven’t been looking where they’re going. So you’re always going to have these affronts, until the truth is well and truly out and about in the mainstream, which is going to take a little while.   So you really need to look at why you need to react or respond at all. And what that fires up in you, because misunderstanding has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the other person. Well, to a degree, we do love that saying don’t we? ‘Just because no one understands you doesn’t mean you’re brilliant.’ But that is  a slight exaggeration, right?   I’ll just leave you with this. If you were to feed medicine to many, would you stop because of the few who would not tolerate it? That is all.  Written by Tjoni Johansen. Copyright 2020 all rights reserved Please feel free to share amongst your networks in full including the authors name and this website address. Please gain permission from the author before copying any part of this work. If you are interested in having Tjoni Johansen write a personal dreamscape or myth for your self or a project please get in touch via email; tjonij @