CREATIVE WRITING,  Transmissions

Transmission #12, Piece of mind…

We’re at day 2 in the second wave of lockdown, talking to Nonna.

Hi bubba, it’s all happening here. Just the way God intended.

The Great Awakening

Break the masses. There’s so much fear that they can’t do anything but break. They either break themselves or they break their boundaries. It’s all part of the plan. I know it might seem scary. I know it might seem so out of control. I know it might seem like you’re all in a pressure cooker. And so are all the toughest diamonds. Not everyone will make it through. We know this. But it all as it should be.

So, now to business my friend, what is it you want to know about today?

I want to know what is happening. I just want to know what’s happening. And how to best navigate it. I want to know how to best tend to myself and my own inherent right for oxygen and connection to the earth without alienating myself completely from others.

And there you have it bubba, alienate. That’s what this is all about. Pit everybody against each other. Now your imagination is going to take a pounding. And you’re going to need to strengthen it to make sure it overrides reality. Or at least overrides the external reality. Now is the time for you to override what your senses perceive. Now is the time for you to decide what you want and to imagine it so.

So when you’re feeling afraid of confrontation, of alienation, of judgement from others, there are two things happening.

Outside-in vs Inside-out

One is you’re allowing the external world in, and now is not the time for that. So you need to use your imagination to override that with thoughts of love, acceptance, understanding and generosity. Community and compassion and all of those things that you are bringing in. You need to imagine what it’s like walking down a road or path, when the new world unfolds as it is doing, and how you will greet people. How you will be greeted by them. How you will interact with the world and all its beings.

Now is not the time for passive in-coming of experience. You see this is where the creatives and visionaries of the world will excel. You could say the ones with the imagination to see beyond what is being fed to their senses – and trust me it IS being fed. All IS as it should be but it is still a war. It is a war for your ‘piece’ of mind, so you must ensure that you remain at Peace. Of mind. Inhabit it fully. With the experience you wish. And your desire for all others.


There is another thing to consider. If all the minds are facing one way and your mind is facing the other, then just like imprinting on water, you will begin to imprint on others. Remember they are all imprinted with fear. And love is the only thing that can override that. So it is your duty to remain vigilant and ensure that you are in the centre of yourself, so that you can spread love, and give those people some ease. They will look. They will stare. They will glare. It is always out of fear. Don’t take it on-board. The fear is not your own.

Remain true to your soul covenant to live fearlessly. That does not mean stupidly or recklessly. It means acknowledging the fear and transmuting it into something else. I might clarify that this is after observing it and then deciding that it is not helping you to stay alive. So I am not saying walk fearlessly across a road trusting that the traffic will stop for you. We’re not talking about stupidity. We’re talking about tending to the emotion and deeming whether or not it is necessary for survival in the moment.


Now all of these interactions are giving you another gem or few. Remember nobody can spark any emotion in you that doesn’t exist already. Nobody can put anything in, they simply trigger what is. So these interactions that you are having with others, and the subsequent emotion – the stress, the fear, the feeling of invasion that you’re having – are simply signposts of what you still need to release. They are like a little creature prodding at you, saying ‘feed me feed me feed me’, and you need to decide if you’re going to feed it, and what you’re going to feed it.

Remember, some parts of you still need fear or anger to survive. Just as people who have been living in darkness need to create fear and anger in order to feed their cells, there are still ‘bodies’ within you that feed on fear and anger. There are still parts of your own selves that are addicted to those emotions and you need to retrain yourself and your cells in order to fully align with love.

Now this is fully against what many of us have been taught.

We’ve been taught that we need to have a balance.

We’ve been taught that life isn’t about ‘being all in the light’.

We’ve been taught that we need to struggle in order to have empathy, to care, and to be decent beings.

We’ve been taught that if everything’s all rosy and nice we’ll turn into these narcissistic arseholes who don’t give a fish about anybody but themselves.

But that thinking is still the old paradigm. As we move into a higher frequency, we move into a space where one does not need to struggle in order to be well, or to be generous, kind and loving to others.

Letting go of addiction to trauma

We are moving beyond the neurosis of that. It’s a western concept, and it’s not inherent to our nature. Now let me be clear; we do need things to push against in order to gain strength. If it were not for gravity our muscles would atrophy. If it wasn’t for challenge, our minds would atrophy. I’m not saying that we turn into these passive clumps of goo. But we are moving to a space where we no longer need trauma in order to shape us into decent human beings.

There is a big difference between challenge and trauma.

There is a big difference between finding your edges and pushing at them, and sabotaging yourself.

There is a big difference between the discomfort of something new, and going head-on into danger.

We’re talking about the removal of extremes. They simply won’t be needed anymore. And the collective addiction to betrayal and guilt and struggle and disease will be eliminated. But remember, all of you who have been born in this world within this frequency still have cells and bodies that are addicted to those dark energies. So part of your discomfort is in reorienting those parts of yourself in order to live purely in light and love.

Override your reality

So I invite you to be aware when you go for a walk in the sunshine and decide not to wear your mask – so that you can fully inhale the oxygen that is your inherent right to breath – that those addictive parts of yourself will likely attract interactions that will feed the fear and anger. That is unless you override them right from the start, with sensations such as generosity, love and acceptance. You need to make that decision before you embark on even small journeys. Otherwise the face of your experience will override your own inner world. And this is not the time for that.

We have been told this in countless movies through the battle of the minds played out time and time again. And this is what they were all talking about.

The old lower frequency versus the new higher frequency.

The love versus the fear.

The victim versus the creator.

The one who sees from the outside-in versus the one who sees from the inside-out.

Which timeline will you weave?

This is the choice that you are being called to make right now. This is what is currently weaving together the threads of your timeline. And you can weave them together in a way that serves all sentience. Or you can weave them together in a way that enslaves it. Make your decision now. And know that you are loved. You are being watched. You are being cared for. You are being backed up in ways that you cannot imagine from realms beyond the physical.

The Ancestor realms have been cleansed. The Angel realms have been cleansed. The Fae realms have been cleansed. The E.T. realms have been cleansed. And many other etheric realms have been cleansed. We are here working with you, as the last remnants are flushed out. So be mindful, stay centred, stay loving, and put your best foot forward. As you embark on a free world.

End of transmission.

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If you are interested in having Tjoni Johansen write a personal dreamscape or myth for your self or a project please get in touch via email; tjonij @ protonmail.comi

Wordsmith * Coach * Presenter Helping to create a thriving world for all sentience