Transmission #13, Fear and Love
Today I am sitting waiting for Nona. But for the first time she is not actually in front of me. I’m hearing her from somewhere else. She says she’s in another realm, but that she can still talk. That’s a bit disconcerting not having her standing in front of me. But there you go.
Subduing fear.
There’s a lot going on behind the scenes Bubba, that most of you will never know about. And that is the point. Keep it out of fear. If you knew what was happening, your fears would cause the time lines to collapse. In ways I cannot describe. So we need to talk about fear, because that’s the most important tool in the arsenal of the elite. That is their greatest weapon, and the lack of it is your greatest defense.
Imagine fear as being like an atom bomb. When I say fear, I don’t mean a fright, I don’t mean fear of giant dog charging across the yard at me, I don’t mean the car that turns the corner suddenly just as you are crossing the road. I don’t mean an immediate response to your environment. I mean the fear that rises about you slowly but surely from what you take in from the media and from the community. It’s what drives the wheels of slavery.
Fear’s effect on cells.
If you take for instance the cells in your body that are going about doing their job, replicating and becoming part of you, that atom bomb of constant fear stuns them. They literally forget what they are doing. And if you can imagine cells doing their jobs as if reading a recipe out of a book, fear makes it impossible for them to read their instructions properly. And for that matter, the ingredients, so they get confused, and they start doing the wrong thing. Or sometimes they are so stunned they don’t do anything.
So basically in the body, fear stunts growth, and it distorts it.
Fear’s effect on water.

So, let’s impose fear on water then. We’ve seen the photos of beautiful water crystals, often shown regarding Doctor Emoto’s work. If you instill fear into those water molecules, it does the same thing to their programming. They forget how to crystalize properly, and it halts their ability to access information from the field and translate it accurately.
You see propaganda of people covering their ears after a bomb has gone off. You hear this incredibly loud ringing noise illustrating the ringing in their ears and they close their eyes and put their hands over their ears. They can’t function in that moment. Everything is stunted. They can’t hear instructions over the ringing. They can’t see what’s in front of them. They are temporarily blind from the brightness of the explosion. So they’re stunned and although not quite as violent, similarly the water crystals are stunned when they’re bombarded with fear. So basically all of the networks of communication break down.
So how does love come into this?
Quite simply that brings back immediately the capacity to see and hear in water, and in cells – which brings the capacity to receive and translate information as it is, and allows you to see truth. Bubba, I know a lot of people are going to dispute this – and as you know this information is not for them – but do not dismay. Just because people are living in fear doesn’t mean that your love can’t assist their cells to return to a place of basic functioning that may not be optimal, but will be better than being completely degraded.
The same happens in the rest of nature. The water that is based on fear simply can’t bring enough nutrition to plant life. They stunt and deform because they can’t receive the information that they need. The love can infiltrate all of those water molecules and it spreads. You know this already but I’ll say it again; love is stronger than fear, it overrides it.
You are effective than you think.

I feel that sometimes people think they need to be able to love the fearful one-to-one in order to have any affect but it doesn’t work that way. You only need a small percentage of the population to be constantly acting in that loving light to infiltrate all the water. You don’t need to be in the majority.
That’s why the deep state is so bloody afraid, and why they are trying to create that much fear. It’s because they are afraid of the minority, and the love that they are generating. So don’t dismay when you see so many fearful around you. The work that you are doing, that all of you are doing when working in the light, is more powerful than you can imagine.
And one more point I wish to add to this, is the power of the sun. It is the greatest bringer of life, and also a deep destroyer. It destroys fear, pure and simple. It is one of the biggest bringers of truthful light that exists in our solar system, and she is bathing the entire world in light. Every day. So if you think that you are alone in this work, just remember that.
Stay strong, stay grounded, stay true.
All is happening as it should. There are no mistakes.
End of transmission.
Dear hearts,
The next few weeks and months are paramount as we help infuse ease into what seems to most likely be incredibly turbulent times afoot. Every internal sense of mine and external truthsharers echoe that point, as well as the wonderful future that awaits on the other side of the tempest. We must remember to bring an easeful and joyous reality into our bodies, and assist the cosmos to make it so.
From within, so without.
Blessings and love to you,
Tjoni xx
Ps If this speaks to you please leave a comment below, and share this post with your community, loved ones and comrades. Much gratitude to you. xx
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If you are interested in having Tjoni Johansen write a personal dreamscape or myth for your self or a project please get in touch.
Her email is tjonij @ protonmail.com Many thanks.

Thanks, T J for this Beautiful message xxx
Hi Rachel!! Thanks for reading, I enjoyed receiving this one too. 🙂 x
Reasonatates clearly. Let’s show kindness compassion and stand in our truth.