
Loneliness sounds like… “Why can’t you feel all the wriggling worms in that blanket?” “Why can’t you feel all the needles in that cushion?” “Why can’t you feel all the beetles eating you alive in that bed?” “Why can’t you feel all the broken glass in that soup?” * * * * * “Why can’t you feel all the three cornered thistles in that incense?” “Why can’t you feel all the knives in that settee?” “Why can’t you feel all the biting sand in that café?” “Why can’t you feel all the pins in that embrace?” * * * * * “Why can’t you feel the hessian hiding in that silk?” “Why can’t you feel all those biting ants in your tea?” “Why can’t you feel all the bone hungry spears in the carpet?” “Why can’t you feel all the butterfly wings in the air?” * * * * * “How can you stay so still and steady when that train is headed straight for us?” “How are you not blinded by its light?” “How are you not deafened by its screeching brakes?” “How are you not trembling as it shakes the ground beneath our feet?” “How can you not hear or see or feel??” “What is WRONG with you???” … Or What is wrong with me? …… Many facets of life linger with glorious refractions of the wonder of existence. Except for that one surface. That broken flesh sack overfull of shattered glass and pointy spears and things that gnaw on the dead. Sometimes it’s easier to dwell amongst the ancestors in the dreaming.  For this surface is not so wondrous today. Written by Tjoni Johansen, Copyright 2020 all rights reserved