I of the storm


Will you hold me steady

As the path surges

Over all rising tides

Will you fix me in your gaze

As horizons tumble

Worlds slip and collide

Will you take my hand

When trying to grasp

What slips through my fingers

Will you steady my heart

When panic and fear

And disarray lingers

Will you gather my feathers

When Sun gets too close

And wings become frayed

Will you be my radar

When wires short circuit

My grounded charade

Will you walk beside me

When I wander off track

Way too close to abyss

Will you have my back

When knees turn to jelly

At it’s uneven cliff

Will you swaddle me whole

When I fall into pieces

De-unified form

May we journey together

Amidst the grey maelstrom

My ‘I’ of the storm

Written by Tjoni Johansen.
Copyright 2023 all rights reserved

Please feel free to share amongst your networks in full including the authors name and this website address.
Please gain permission from the author before copying any part of this work.

If you are interested in having Tjoni write a personal dreamscape or myth for your self or a project please get in touch by email at tjonij @ . Many thanks.

Wordsmith * Coach * Presenter Helping to create a thriving world for all sentience