Professional Writing
Taming the savage light
How to fight fire without fire. My social media feed has been FULL of reports of the current fires burning all across our ‘Lucky Country’, and it’s easy to feel completely overwhelmed, helpless, angry and disillusioned in the face of such destruction. I know we are ALL desperately concerned for our country and it’s inhabitants, with good reason. But, in my humble opinion, we need a bit of balance. Admittedly if you are in the middle of a danger zone, now is not the time for ‘balance’ while you are in survival mode. But for the rest of us who are not in immediate danger, yes it’s important to know…
Who am I even?’s more important than ever to choose online content based on our WHY, as that is truly the glue that binds all of our fragments into one cohesive entity. That is, our authentic selves.
Keeping your fire in flow on show
Fire performance has taken on a grand array of creative expressions over the past couple of decades.
Creations’ Calling falls on hungry ears
The Theatre had been transformed into a huge family gathering. Embraces, plates of food, jumpers and beanies and smiling faces spilled out luxuriously over picnic blankets, cushions and other bodies.