Blessed are the red pilled
May all the bitter red pills you had to swallow Nourish and heal the scars from the jagged lies you were sold May all the steely glares that burnt into your beautiful naked face Twist into smiles as lost souls find solace in your radiance May all the backs that turned on you in compliant disgust Become a human shield that protects you from the shrapnel of illusion May all the violent words spat out at your unbridled footsteps Transmute into worded rhythms that beckon you to dance May the constant taunts at your selfish insanity through not following orders Become the low hum of…
Newsletter August 31
Greetings lovelies and hope you’re all well!! The online space has been so hectic of late I’m afraid newsletters have taken a back seat! But I wanted to get a few updates out to you all. In-Spiral High Vibe Tribe This is the place for community interaction sharing ideas and inspiration for a thriving future for all sentience – at least until I create a less confined group outside of Facebook land! Jump onto the group here; in-spiral High Vibe Tribe And to welcome you all to the space here is a wee Youtube video! https://youtu.be/f_MLIJ7B0yA Transmissions Here is the latest from Aunty Jude. This is been one of…