The Great Unrobing
In a time not too long past the emperors of old would remove their gowns at the end of the day in the company of more than a few men and women. It was believed their powers of persuasion came from the awe that befell those around them at their raw nudity. Not that there was anything remarkable about them, but because there was nothing remarkable about them, and yet they still managed to wield so much grace. It gave them a place of belonging and a sense of empowerment that they may not have known otherwise.
For anyone to let themselves be seen in their entirety is indeed a brave thing. For it leaves one vulnerable and able to be rejected. And even more terrifying, it leaves no place to hide the awesomeness of ones’ power. Though these days our nakedness of body is not nearly as remarkable as our nakedness of spirit, for that is where our unbridled magic really lies.
Sufferers and fools might think otherwise; the sufferers because to own that power would mean they would therefore be responsible for their own pain. The fools because they’re too blissfully unaware to think to step up and be counted, or be even a little responsible for their world.
For one to run around in circles like a dog chasing a fake tail would be ludicrous indeed and yet many smart people do that every single day of their lives. Chasing dreams and ideals that never really belonged to them. Then trading their life in for work to pay for the dream they don’t own and indeed be indebted by that dream to the people who created it in the first place. That is how slaves are made. Caught up in the striving for something they do not know they need or want until they’re made to feel less than whole without it.
How long before we all realise that those dreams are not our own, and what we want really is something far more splendid, and far simpler. And that is to be connected. And loved. That’s all.
You don’t need to trade your life in to pay for that.
And you don’t need to strive for it because the very act of you being alive is an act of love between matter and spirit.
Life loves itself naturally and wholly. Only our conditioning makes us think or believe otherwise.
And your vulnerability lies in your willingness to love your life as much as life loves you.
Aah the great unrobing, becomes the great unmasking. But that is another story.
Written by Tjoni Johansen
Copyright 2017 all rights reserved
If you are interested in having Tjoni Johansen write a personal dreamscape or myth for your self or a project please get in touch via email,
Many thanks.
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