These boots were made for something

It’s the last day before a new era.

I’m walking in cold wet boots, but soon they’ll find another path.

Without me.

These boots have drawn me to the deep abyss

They’ve slept me on the toes of tigers

Rushed me head on into the jaws of a raging truck

Climbed trees too young to bear my weight under hot cassowary pursuit

Torn down rocky paths on desert mountains that crumble to a hungry sea

Pondered vast beaches who’s water has receded almost to the horizon

Wondering ‘Where’s my swim?’

They’ve followed the solid white lines of a highway to find some security

Amidst the chaos of peak hour trucks

They’ve scaled steep sides of glass building facades –

An eroding rope the only thing between me and a chalk outline on the pavement below.

They’ve strutted into wild parties full of cheer –

And walked me to a dark corner to ponder the festivities alone

They’ve wandered into endless cafes to give me a moment to connect

They’ve met raging dogs, hot breath on my heels as I run

They’ve skipped across moss covered rocks in raging rapids daring me to fall

They’ve hijacked my sense of self and walked into foreign lands as if they live there

They’ve dashed across great carpets of lava and barely splashed me at all. Well, barely

They’ve floated me weightlessly into the farthest corners of the universe

They’ve jumped over chasms before checking if there was somewhere to land on the other side

They’ve been swept away by every hint of wind, of change, to a new place

They’ve run me into the danger of connection…

And right past it when it got too close.

They’ve found pots of gold at the bottom of rainbows and kicked them to the ground in disbelief

They’ve stopped dead in the middle of a railway as the lights grew blindingly bright

They’ve climbed ladders painted brightly in rainbow hues to hide the rot beneath the facade

They’ve kicked dirt up to the heavens in disgust, and also in joy

They’ve tapped in time to an unknown jig and danced like it was the last day on earth

They’ve hung out in the gutter for a while to clean themselves in the storm-water

They’ve tripped me over in confusion when they tried to go everywhere at once

They made me do unexpected side splits when they succeeded

They’ve met other boots and rubbed toes with them, and now they have different colours on them

Some really match

Some really don’t

They’ve stepped into ponds much deeper than they look and filled to the brim with water

They’ve gotten stuck in mud and quicksand and unset concrete

Only the last one was an attempt to make a lasting impression. It kind of backfired

These boots have walked through many worlds, and now they have brought me here

Living on the road again


I’m not so sure this is the life I really want

Perhaps it’s time for a new pair of shoes.    

These shoes would be apricot with ½ inch heels and a shiny buckle on the outside of the ankle.

They would go well with stockings and frocks and smell faintly of rose

They’d know how to live me a normal life

They’d know how to get to a new home and take me to a stable job

How to stay safe, get things organised, pay bills and repair holes in my socks

How to have a quiet place to sleep and a shelf for my shampoo and a hook for my coat

How to open the curtains without having to check if anyone might see me and call the police

How to put letters after my name and achieve things that important people nod at approvingly

How to comb my hair and keep my space tidy and

Wash the car every week and stop hiding behind a crumbling old facade

On second thoughts, maybe I’ll just keep my trusty old boots

Written by Tjoni Johansen.
Copyright 2023 all rights reserved

Please feel free to share amongst your networks in full including the authors name and this website address.
Please gain permission from the author before copying any part of this work.

If you are interested in having Tjoni write a personal dreamscape or myth for your self or a project please get in touch by email at tjonij @ . Many thanks.