Transmission #3, the spirit of business

This is Tjoni and welcome to the Transmission series.

This is my interaction with an energy I know of as a wonderful spirit in Byron Bay called Aunty Jude. It is her viewpoint, is not intended as the only truth, only her truth from her perspective. Perhaps you may find some medicine in it.

My question is around business. If a corporate entity is dead then can we create a living entity, say a collaborative, and how can we ensure that that retains its spirit from an energetic, organisational and lawful perspective?

Aunty Jude

‘It’s all in the way you see it bubba. Look at it like you would look at a piece of land. When it’s barren, do you just go and plant trees straight in the soil? Probably not because they wouldn’t survive, not by themselves. So you need to grow one and watch it grow. You need to be able to make sure that you can give it the energy it needs until it gets past its most vulnerable point, until it can sustain itself. You see the old trees; they didn’t all just grow at once. You know how it goes. In the barrenness the ground creates things, thistles and thorns, to stop it from being trampled. To give itself time to heal, you know this from permaculture.

‘So how are you going to heal the land from a business perspective? How are you going to heal the land? How are you going to stop trampling over it in order to allow it to heal itself, in order to allow it to generate its own form of nourishment? You think of those thistles, that then allow the water to accumulate, that gives shade for other creatures, that allows small things to grow, that allows the birds to come in. And with them and from their waste they bring in more seeds, and gradually the earth builds itself literally from the ground up.

Eucalypt regrowth after Black Saturday bushfires

‘So how do you create this for a business, what do you need to heal or what do you need to stop trampling over in order to allow it to heal itself? What is the earth, what is the fertility of the earth? Is it not what you call capital? How can you allow that to heal? How can you allow the ‘lack of’ to settle, how can you create a fertile environment?

That’s your foundation; the fertile environment is the fertile foundation. So what are the forms of fertility? Think of the land and the tools and the networks, and the stories and the education and the wisdom and the experience. It’s about gathering all those things. And of course nothing will happen without the dreaming, and what’s the dreaming? It’s the ideas, it’s the spirit.

‘There are parts of land that have had the spirit knocked out of them, or perhaps it never existed there in the first place. You know those parts because they always feel empty. It doesn’t even mean desert, well it doesn’t have to be desert, just hostile or empty devoid. But when you bring the spirit into the land; that allows it to put those thorns out, which allows it to heal. It’s the idea that’s the spark that begins the whole process. It’s the process.

Tatiana Gerus; (CC BY-NC 2.0)

‘From a lawful perspective, what kind of lawful entities are there? That’s what you need to know. What does something need in order to be classified as a living being? You know the questions to ask. Does it have a heartbeat? Does it have a spirit? What are those things? Once you know those, you will know how to create a lawful that is in support of all living beings.’

End of Transmission

I asked my friend Mars yesterday about what kind of lawful entities we can create.

If a collaborative enterprise consists of living breathing man and woman, I thought that would somehow constitute a lawful organisation. But no, that is still dead.

However a foundation can be created which IS a living entity. We shall chat more about that in future law chats.

For now, thanks for listening or reading, and have a beautiful day!!

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If you are interested in having Tjoni write a personal dreamscape or myth for your self or a project please get in touch via email; tjonij @