Transmission #5, Hungry Ghosts and 5G

I’m sitting with Nonna. She tells me she’s told me as much as she can, about the novel, and it’s up to me to piece it together, which is a bit scary to be honest. She’s asked me what I want to know. I want to know what her story is, but she wants me to ask about the world.

I want to know if a black bear can ever turn into a brown bear.

‘No, it’s not like a person that has a choice between good and bad or light and dark. It’s actually an imprint or a footprint if you like, that’s left, when that person has left a space without having memory of it, which is why an empty deed [of sale] is so important. When you have an active memory of a space, part of you remains there in essence, and even if your memory of it is sad or dark, there’s still wholeness in it. A spirit remains, because you’ve had a relationship with that space.

‘When someone owns something without ever having had a relationship to it there’s no spirit, but there’s still an imprint through an agreement that imprint grows. It’s the imprint that has power and control, but there’s never been any custodianship and therefor there’s no spirit.’

So how can we heal these imprints then, these black bears, these hungry ghosts?

‘There’s nothing there to heal Bubba. It’s not like working with a dark entity where you can heal it and reconnect it to God’s light and it transforms, or releases it’s existence altogether. It’s not evil; it doesn’t have that level of intent or consciousness. It’s just empty. It never had a spirit to begin with. So you can’t heal it like you can heal a person who has lost their way, or like you can heal a ghost who’s become trapped on earth through a traumatic death. You can’t heal it like an entity that’s causing dis-ease in a person’s body, you can’t heal it because there’s no core to heal; it’s just empty. So all you can do is stop feeding it, and just like a cloud, eventually it will just dissipate.

‘It’s not even aware enough of itself to fight for its own existence, it’s not that mindful. Just like a black hole in space isn’t mindful. It’s not trying to suck everything up, it doesn’t have that level of consciousness, it’s not evil; it’s just empty. Although in the sucking up, of energy, it may take on the energy of those it imbibes, and those parts may lash out in their death throes when the whole begins to dissipate.’

I wonder therefor, if the black bears are actually cosmic vacuum cleaners, sucking up the dark energy!

‘No, because when they become big they begin to block out the light, and even a benevolent black cloud covering the sun will eventually kill life forms. Even though it doesn’t cause any direct harm, it prevents the light rays from coming through. That’s what happens on the land. You get these parts, you’ve gone through them you know them.’

My mind is thinking of Gosford and that area around Grafton, areas that feel dead, just north of Newcastle, a lot of industrial areas, and West Footscray.

‘They exist because life has gone, and when they’re there they can prevent life from happening again. It’s like that person at the party that drains everybody’s energy. It’s not out of evil, not out of hatred, they’re not violent; they just don’t know how to feed anybody but themselves. In the end nobody wants to talk to them, and they leave.

‘Except a hungry ghost is bound to land, it’s bound to a location. That’s why beautiful areas turn dark, like Byron. So much land has been handed over to developers from overseas or the cities. They don’t have any relationship there, and they attract unconscious people, because people that are self-aware and aware of their surroundings feel the hungry ghosts, they know something’s not right. They just don’t feel good there.

‘And what to do, to heal those spaces, what we need to understand is that you don’t need to fight Bubba. You don’t need to do all these ceremonies and rituals to clear the land. I mean you might, for other reasons, but not for the hungry ghosts. You just need to start putting the love in. They’re not going to take that away cos they don’t feed on love, they don’t feed on light, so you don’t need to override them. But by the very process of you putting your love into the land, it creates light that feeds it again, and allows the spirit to re-enter.

‘Now the land of spirit doesn’t quite work like this, but to give you an idea; I can’t give you a direct picture because you don’t have that foundation in your mind as you’re still locked into a four dimensional world, but I think you’ll understand this on a level.

‘Can you imagine that the spirits are floating around the surface of earth trying to find their home, but the earth’s surface is skewed by cloud so there’s no light coming out? If all the electricity went out and there wasn’t any night light, it would be very hard for spirit to find its homeland. You might think ‘well why can’t it just feel it?’ and again if it’s covered in cloud the antennae of the land can’t connect to the antennae of the spirit. But as soon as you start putting love into the land it ignites it. It’s like turning on a light in the night that acts as a signpost, the spirit can see that and find its way back home.

Garden Greenhouse Allotment by Nippelsn (

‘It’s why working the land feels so good, even if you’re just putting in a vegie garden or mowing the lawn, just taking care and making it look nice, it’s putting energy in. It’s putting spirit in, it’s literally putting spirit – not that you’re putting your spirit in although that happens too – but literally you’re creating the signpost, for the spirit of the land to re-enter.

‘It’s like a house being cleaned. A house loves having energy put into it; a house has a spirit just like everything else does. It knows when it’s been taken care of. That’s why gratitude is so important, because gratitude for things gives them energy and allows the spirit of them to be connected if it’s not already.

‘Even trees, you know you walk through the forest and send your love to the trees, they love that, and they love the attention of human spirit. It makes them stronger, and allows them to be able to draw more into themselves from the ether, and they can continue to shine. We’re all spirit.

‘And love and hate are energies of spirit, and hope and despair are energies of spirit. Love brings in, love expands, whereas fear contracts and pushes away. Love creates gateways; this is why the powers that be in the world need fear, they need you to contract, because by contracting, you’re constricting everything.

Tatiana Gerus; (CC BY-NC 2.0)

‘Can you imagine right now, all those national parks and beaches and play spaces and all the natural parts of the world that people enjoy in their day to day life? It’s not so bad in Australia but overseas it’s much worse. Those places are literally being starved of people, they literally being starved of energy of spirit. The best thing you can do for the world right now is get into nature Bubba, and just love it. That will help bring the spirits back in.

‘And I’m telling you now – this is another conversation altogether – about that 5g. That’s gonna make it really hard for spirit to reconnect. That’s creating a black cloud of interference; you know it, that’s why so many of you are fighting it. That’s why so many are fighting it because you know in your hearts it’s not a good thing.

‘One of the best ways you can fight that is by loving everything else. That will help lessen it’s power, that will help give nature power, and that will give power to those people that are activated in fighting it. I mean if you can help them in other ways then that’s awesome. But if you don’t have that capacity – and let’s face it not all of us can work like that, in the fight – then send love to those that do. Some of us need to work by imagining good outcomes, and all of the parts need players.

‘That’s why bubba you sitting here in bed, talking to me, so that you can share my voice, this is one of the most important things that you can do, all the while giving your loving attention and energy to all the people in a lawful fight against 5g. But yes we’ll get into that in another chat.

‘For now just know hungry ghosts are not evil ghosts. They can’t harm you. But they can starve you. Again, not out of malevolence, just through the lack of oxygen if you happen to be surrounded by one. And if you feel there’s a hungry ghost in your space, send your love down into the earth. Because you are always connected. No matter how high you are, even in a tall building, the walls of the building are still connected to the earth, so send your love down into her, and she will send spirit back up to you, to reconnect.’

End of transmission.

Aunty Jude always astounds me with her wisdom. I look forward to gathering a deeper insight into 5g as there are many in my world (myself included) that opt for a more life affirming choice for humanity and indeed all sentient beings. 

But I must echo this enquiry must be done in loving awareness of what we are fighting FOR, not AGAINST.

Much love to you, wherever you are in the world.

Tj xx

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If you are interested in having Tjoni Johansen write a personal dreamscape or myth for your self or a project please get in touch via email; tjonij @