CREATIVE WRITING,  Transmissions

Transmission #6 Technology

Greetings lovelies. Today I really wanted to know more about technology, and how we can tune into nature’s wisdom to enhance our own communication with each other.

You can read the transcription below or watch this on video!

Alright Bubba, so today we’re talking technology. You had the right thoughts, the other day, about the trees. You know, about the water in the computer chip, that Greg Braden was talking about. And how they found that there was no way it could store the amount of information that it did, but it must be accessing it from outside itself.

It’s kind of like the non-human version of the Akashic records; it’s like the field of everything. It’s like the field of potential if you will, and it’s everywhere all at once, so just like the trees sending information to each other instantaneously, as soon as you tap into the field, anything that you put into it happens everywhere.

And it’s that idea, the mechanics of the universe, which you can tap into. Bubba I’ve seen you over the last few months looking at plants in a new way, and seeing them as programmed, and that is indeed true. But they’re not taking the program from a chip as such; they’re extracting it from the field, and using it to enable the biology to act in a certain way.

The programs for these things exist everywhere all at once, yes even for beings that are extinct. The reason it’s more difficult to bring beings back from extinction, is because the snippets of existing biology act as a catalyst. So for plants you might have a seed that acts as a catalyst or an antenna. Just like those hungry ghosts leave a seed, if you starve them of fear and fill them with love, they act as antennae. The difference is the hungry ghosts exist in the dreaming and they’re only enabled through the consciousness of others.

In the plant world, a piece of the plant or the seed acts as a catalyst, it acts like an antenna to draw in that information from the field, but instead of being enabled through people, it’s being enabled through other forms. It’s being enabled through earth, through the nutrients, through the microbiome, through the air, through the water, through the sunlight. It draws in the patterning or the programming from the field, in order to make sure that those elements accumulate and congregate in an appropriate manner.

And sometimes things become flawed, because the field has become obstructed. If the field is clear, or at least access to it is clear, there’s no reason for reproduction to become flawed. And so it is in the plant world, in the human world, in the animal world, it’s so in all the worlds. Any de-formation from that program, is happening not because of a fault in programming, but a fault in the communication between the catalyst and the programming.

So thinking about this field in terms of communication, at the moment you’re using technology as an interface between you and others, using technology that’s disconnected from nature. But harnessing nature, and harnessing the programmability of it, which you won’t do for some time but sooner than you think, is how you will eliminate any barriers between thought and recipient, or between messenger and receiver.

And likewise you’ll learn how to store information in the field. At the moment you’ve got hard drives, and they’re clunky, and they keep running out of room, and you need to keep making them bigger and bigger. They only last for a period of time before they become corrupted, before they become worn out. When you learn how to store and access information in the field, you’ll understand that it’s always there. You won’t need a piece of man-made technology that’s separate from it.

You’ll also find more succinct ways to share your ideas and visions with others. At the moment your mind, your imagination, doesn’t have a direct connection with the field, and so you need to create all of these steps, to be able to translate that information into visions and words and music and things like that using external tools. Such as cameras and video programs and paint brushes and all sorts of things that you use to get your ideas out into the world and then to share them with others. And those things have a place because there is a certain wonder in the artistry of it. But as far as the non-artistic parts of it go, you won’t have to spend your time doing that and becoming the technician, you’ll simply be able to express your information into the field and others will be able to access it.

But here’s they key. In the field everything is stored. In the field the ultimate truth is stored, so the ability to spread misinformation will be eliminated, because that information simply won’t line up with what’s in the field already. So you won’t be able to lie, and this is part of the reason you’re not ready for this yet. Humanity is still binding itself together and ending its period of duality. And in the duality, the untruths are still shared as forcefully if not more so, than the truth.

If you try and force an untruth into the field, it’s like trying to put a square plug into a round hole. It just won’t work. It just won’t fit. And you can’t mess with it; you can’t corrupt it, because it’s simply the nature of things.

How do GMOs work in all of this? Well there’s a perfect example of the ramifications of working outside of the field of truth. You end up creating these things that are corruptible. They’re not in line with the laws of nature. Nature has all the tools. Nature has all the answers. And they all work within the field. And although the balance may seem to move like a pendulum, finding its extremes, it always brings itself back into balance; it knows how to do this.

And people think that they know how to do nature better than nature does herself. They’ve got another thing coming Bubba. There are always ramifications. And a person is like a tiny microbe on the ass end of a mosquito, deciding to make you its feast, and we know it only takes a fraction of a second to end that little arrangement.

Image by Schwoaze from Pixabay

So don’t think the earth will be so easily overcome, to those of you still adhering to the dark side of human nature. You won’t last very long. And the only reason you have lasted so long, as in hundreds and thousands of years, is because that’s been playing out the duality of man. But as you know now that is ending, and so is the reign of darkness. There is nothing any of you can do about it; it’s just the way it is.

End of transmission.

I’m always fascinated by Aunty Jude’s ideas. Next time i’ll ask about alternative energy possibilities, construction and manufacturing possibilities. I hope you enjoyed this transmission. If there’s anything you’d like to ask her feel free to email me.

Much love, Tj xx

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If you are interested in having Tjoni Johansen write a personal dreamscape or myth for your self or a project please get in touch via email; tjonij @

Wordsmith * Coach * Presenter Helping to create a thriving world for all sentience