Transmission #2, Splitting the timelines
Today it seems to be question and answer time. Nonna has asked to be referred to in the public arena as Aunty Jude, as her name is Judith. So from now on that is how she will be known to you.
This is the insight from the point of view of one spirit. She doesn’t claim to tell THE truth, she only claims to share HER truth. If there is medicine for you here I invite you to drink. If not, much love to you, and I trust you will find what you are seeking elsewhere. Blessings.
Aunty Jude can you tell me about the time lines please, and why they are merging?
‘They’re been coming together for a long time Bubba, you know that. Long ago the dreaming got split, through the duality of man. The timeline therefor also split. It happened for us to exercise our free will, that’s something that we do all have, even if it lies dormant a lot of the time.
‘In the free will of man, those that sought to serve, and those that sought to be served, fell into different worlds. This happened so that they could live life out the way that they wanted to. But with every choice there came another split. Within what you might call the shadow there was light, and what you would call the light world there was shadow. This way people in the illusion of their manifestation still felt that they consciously had choice. Although they made the choice to be in that particular time line a long time ago, their egos also wanted to feel like they had choice now, so the split worlds kept becoming more and more divided.
‘But they can’t split forever Bubba. It’s just like an explosion, when something divides, and keeps dividing in a violent way. Eventually the parts fall back to earth; eventually the fragments become part of the whole again. It’s the nature of reality for it to collapse back in on its self, and it’s the same with time. It might seem like it’s split infinitely, and for an infinite time, but really it’s like the edges of a rope, being undone, becoming frayed into tinier and tinier fragments of thread, until each one becomes so thin it can barely hold itself together; it’s why we’re becoming so fractured bubba.
The time lines have become weak, and they’re rebinding themselves around each other, and just as a thick rope becomes two or three smaller ropes, and each of those is made up of smaller ropes or strings, and each string is made up of smaller threads, so the timelines have been reassembling themselves.
‘We’ve reached the point to where they’ve reassembled themselves into two. The persistent duality of man is still holding those two apart, but they are slowly coming together again. And I know that some say that there are evil beings that are moving between portals, between worlds. They say some of them want to keep the timelines split, and some want to forcefully bring them together and take over.
But the whole point of the retwining of those threads and those strings and those ropes into a more solid rope, is that the fracture and the duality of man is ending, and the absolute of ANY person or being into pure darkness or pure light is ending. That’s why we’re healing our shadows bubba. And that’s why all the shadows are coming out to play, into the light, and that’s why we as individuals must take ownership of those illuminants and shadows within ourselves.
‘We need ALL of you to take ownership of those shadows within yourselves. The duality is ending; it’s inevitable that we will all be seeing our true dark and light. I know many of you already have. But many people want to stay in the duality, they want to remain in the slavery, because to be ‘right’ for so many is more important that to be ‘true’. Because if they ARE true, they’ll know that everything they’ve ever known is wrong. Those people are going to fight tooth and nail to hold onto that duality, a lot of them are going to pop bubba. A lot of them are going to pop.
‘But we can assist them to heal their own duality, to bring both of their parts together, or all of their parts as is often the case, into one cohesive whole. To teach people to use all parts of themselves. Because if we’re all light we’re useless. We need the contrast, we need the contrast so that we have a choice, and we need a choice so that we can define ourselves.
‘If we have no choice we have no definition.
‘If we have no choice we have no authentic expression.
‘We need the choice, but we need to KNOW the choices we have, and that’s the problem. Most people still don’t know, and that’s why we’re here talking. You know what to do bubba; keep spreading the word, and keep doing the healing. And it’s time to share your own journey.’
End of transmission.
So I guess I’ll be sharing more of my own path with you in the coming moments. Also I’m exploring different ways of working with Aunty Jude and expressing her wisdom. If you have any questions for the world of spirit please feel free to share them by emailing me at info@in-spiral.org.
Much love to you wherever you are.
Tj xx
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If you are interested in having Tjoni Johansen write a personal dreamscape or myth for your self or a project please get in touch via email; info@in-spiral.org