CREATIVE WRITING,  Transmissions


A word from Aunty Jude about where to direct our attention right now.

You are at a critical time right now, all of you

Time is like leaves on a tree

Green leaves

Fresh crisp perfect

But they’re not actually useful for you right now

So what are you looking for?

Don’t’ be swayed by something that looks promising

Just because it looks perfect and fresh and natural

Doesn’t mean its useful for you

For somebody else maybe

Or for something else maybe

But not for you

So you need to take a step back from all the information that is coming to you

And get a look at the bigger picture

Don’t get so caught up in the details right now

In order to take a stand you need to stand back

Get an overview

And if you use the analogy of trees and plants then

If you look at them closely and study them

Make sure they’re tended to right now

Worry over the dwindling of some of the leaves

Fuss about over pests and fungus

Then ok you’re tending to details but

Take a step back, look at the big picture, what’s really happening here?

What is supposed to be happening here?

What looks like longevity

Maybe the things that are requiring lots and lots of attention

Actually are the things that need to be let go of

So you can focus on the big picture

What is the big picture Bubba is it a forest?

Is it a forest?

Because if it is, you won’t be able to see the fruits of it yourself

So be prepared for that

Everything you do now

You need to consider is this short term

Or is this planting the seeds for something that you’ll never see the fruit of

And they’re both important

Just know what  you’re tending and why

And if you’re putting everything into the latter just be aware that its not going to feed you

So maybe you need to split your time

This land is a harsh place and it takes a certain type of resilience to stay here

You’ve got that resilience

But you need to take care of yourself

You need to connect more with the earth


Literally with the sand

Mix it with water, put it over your body

Your system needs more connection with this place

Your body will communicate with it

And the microbiome of the earth will connect back with you

You need to give it that chance

The winds are coming, and the storm clouds,

Prepare for that

In another three years, rain will be a regular thing here

And the terrain will be vastly different

Atlantis is getting ready to rise

This will be the centre of it

There’s other ancestors here waiting to see you

It would serve you well to visit them

You know who I’m talking about

I want to know how Nonna is now

The wars have ended to some degree

Right now we’re clearing out the remnants of the past

This is the fallout out from the after party, you know

The great clean up

The hang over from hell

We’re all hung-over

All of us working the bridges between realities

Like fishermen repairing their nets

We’re holding the fabric of reality together

Until the new one sets in

All of us

The Ancestors


Even the Djin

All of us working together

The peace is coming

The peace is coming

Why you want to ask the Palestine Question

What a dirty great snake that is

A dirty great snake

Multi faceted

Deep under the state of Israel

Dirty, dirty great beast

It wants the world submerged in water again

So the monsters of the deep can have their Reign yet again

You’ve been hearing a lot about the tunnels under the ground

About all the various beings

But nobody’s talking about the beings below the water table

Deep, deep, deep, deep, deep

There’s no layer on earth that’s not inhabited

Right to the core there’s beings there

Different frequency different structures life forms you wouldn’t even recognise as life

And there’s so many in the water you wouldn’t believe it

But it’s the water deep under the ground that’s putrid stale dark

Way deeper than the water basins

Deeper than the maps will ever show you

So yes there’s one network of tunnels they’ve been working on

But you know some things just should not come to light

Some beings have been there since this entire planet was covered in water

They need to stay there, to never see the light of day

These creatures of the deep you see in the horror shows

You think they made them up?


There is no fiction

Even much of your dreaming

Its not in the world of the un-manifest

It’s the realm beneath you

There are so many layers of inner earth

You’ll get to see them one day

Mark my words

You’ll be surprised

That’s all I’ll say for now

Just think of this earth as like a sponge

You are just on the surface of it, just the surface

You will come back to peace

We are coming back to peace


Wordsmith * Coach * Presenter Helping to create a thriving world for all sentience