Evacuate evacuate evacuate…


Body has become so worn; it can no longer carry my name

Identity has crumbled and fallen

A cliff face carved out by surrender

A growing pile of crushed rocks

And shattered shards of my own alien reflection

Lay testament to slaughtered hopes that I will ever be well


Vitamin C is an antihistamine, it will help

Diatomaceous earth will help with the itch

Eucalyptus, neem and lavender oil will remove the sting

Salt and Epsom baths will alleviate your suffering

Daily doses of Abraham Hicks will ease your mind


Ahh yes blessed relief… oh no wait… is that another needle? Fuck…



I’m sure I’m losing my mind

I used to find solace within the solitude of myself

Curling up as small as I could

Black hole a safe retreat from a world that is too much

For one fragile human psyche to bear

Yet the hungry swords and violent spikes

That once threatened my skin

Now ready themselves from within

Attacked from my own surface

There is nowhere to hide


Antihistamines may relieve the pain

Cold showers help to flush away toxins

Dry brushing helps move the lymph

Osteopathy resets the nerves along the spine

This healer will remove curses from your ancestry

Remove all ferments, cheeses, nuts, dairy, most fruits, yeast, salt, flavour, fun, from your diet


Ahh yes blessed relief… oh no wait… is that another needle? Fuck…



However can I generate a calmer interface?

Between the essence of all divine I sense

And the little portion that identifies as me

Such a paper thin veil swims between the polarities

A veil that is wreaking wretched revenge

And yet I know not what my crime is

But it has dealt 1000 days of constant attack as punishment


This propolis will heal the virus in your spine

Kinesiology will heal old family patterns

Ginger and Turmeric lower inflammation and histamines

Kundalini yoga will boost immunity and shift lymph

Meditation will sooth your soul and reduces stress

Tea of turmeric, nettle, and chamomile will reduce the symptoms

These Chinese herbs will reduce the prickles


Ahh yes blessed relief… oh no wait… is that another needle? Fuck…



Every moment has become a constant management of experience

And all for what

A constant barrage

Bites, pricks, needles, stabs

From some dimension I cannot see

I think I’m finally losing my mind

And if I haven’t yet, I need to try harder

For this prick filled iron maiden is not fit for inhabitation

By a human kind


Fish oil is good for inflammation

Quercetin is great for allergies and inflammation

Homeopathy will ease the energy body

Running will eliminate toxins

Bare foot walks will help the earth soak up excess energy

A grounding mat will soak up your excess energy while you sleep

Acupuncture will help reduce the windy heat and settle your nerves


Ahh yes blessed relief… oh no wait… is that another needle? Fuck…



And so I remain perplexed

What is the meaning of this torture

How can I find a will to live

When my visions of wellness

Are constantly clouded over by the reality of torture

