The Gateway of Boredom
But there's something inherent in this That is so terrified of an opportunity that only happens in the stillness In the lack of distraction That we create this sense of boredom To pull us away from reality
The Serpent’s Tongue – Have the timelines split for good?
There are those that wish to perish and those that see our natural progression should end, and those committed to a new way of being. They both have their right to decide, to choose, but they cannot co-exist on the planet anymore.
Transmission #13, Fear and Love
It is one of the biggest bringers of truthful light that exists in our solar system, and she is bathing the entire world in light. Every day. So if you think that you are alone in this work, just remember that.
Newsletter August 31
Greetings lovelies and hope you’re all well!! The online space has been so hectic of late I’m afraid newsletters have taken a back seat! But I wanted to get a few updates out to you all. In-Spiral High Vibe Tribe This is the place for community interaction sharing ideas and inspiration for a thriving future for all sentience – at least until I create a less confined group outside of Facebook land! Jump onto the group here; in-spiral High Vibe Tribe And to welcome you all to the space here is a wee Youtube video! https://youtu.be/f_MLIJ7B0yA Transmissions Here is the latest from Aunty Jude. This is been one of…
Transmission #10, Ancestors, Thoughts Forms, Time, Space, Nuclear Warfare.
there’s only one way to find balance, and that can involve swinging between extremes for a time. Don’t worry; the duality IS coming to a close. This is just one of the last pendulum swings towards the 'savage night' as you so eloquently put it.
Transmission #9 – White Bears and Angels
The Fae are the realm of inspiration, the un-manifest, and the magic. Whereas the White Bears are the catalysts, the connectors, the movers, the instigators that help bring all of the elements and the elementals together.
Transmission #8, Starving the hungry ghost
That's why he's finding it so difficult because there’s part of his body, part of his entire system, that is now shifting into a time and realm where it actually needs love to feed. He's still programmed out of that receivership, so that it can only feed on fear, which means part of him is starving.
Transmissions #7 Health and Wellness
In the old days, there was no separation between man and earth... We were simply guided without effort, to take in what was medicine for our bodies. It was so natural there wasn't even really a term for medicine, and food and medicine had no boundary between them.
Transmission #6 Technology
At the moment you're using technology as an interface between you and others, using technology that's disconnected from nature. But harnessing nature, and harnessing the programmability of it, which you won't do for some time but sooner than you think, is how you will eliminate any barriers between thought and recipient, or between messenger and receiver.
Transmission #5, Hungry Ghosts and 5G
When you have an active memory of a space, part of you remains there in essence, and even if your memory of it is sad or dark, there’s still wholeness in it. A spirit remains, because you’ve had a relationship with that space.