The Matrix Code

You get to where you’re going by staying where you are

When the lights go dim and your eyes no longer can make out or distinguish your surroundings

That is the time to go within

To detach from the senses and let the void swallow you for a while

To find stillness in this deep murky soup of uncertainty

For once you can find your true centre

in the maelstrom

in the muck

in the mud

in the blood sweat and tears

Once you know who you really are

In the thick of the proverbial shit

You will start to leave your mark

A huge steady footprint on a muddy forest path

Unable to be washed away in the slew

Even if you don’t know where you are going

Leave one print here and there,

A tag that tells the world ‘I was here’

It’s enough to spark some recognition

In yourself and in others

Each print, or imprint,

Of self-standing, of self-enquiry, of self-holding,

Sets another mark on a path

They are not beacons of light

Not yet

This is not the time for the shining ones to show the way

Because there is no way

Not yet

For now we just need to anchor ourselves in this realm

To seed ourselves wholly in this realm

To be fully within ourselves at every conceivable moment

To set more and more imprints along the way

Which will eventually form a path

A network of pathways, in fact

And only when the rain has eased

And the sun shine has kissed the ground

And the mud has set to stone,

Only then will the path be ready for others to traverse

If that is their way

Or as a template to steer their own path

If that is their way also

So although we are talking about steps and footprints and pathways

This is not about striving for anything

It is not about being somewhere else

It is not about escaping the matrix

It is about mastering it.

Written by Tjoni Johansen.
Copyright 2023 all rights reserved

Please feel free to share amongst your networks in full including the authors name and this website address.
Please gain permission from the author before copying any part of this work.

If you are interested in having Tjoni write a personal dreamscape or myth for your self or a project please get in touch by email at tjonij @ . Many thanks.