I haven’t seen Aunty Jude for a while. She wouldn’t see me til I cleansed my energy, and re-invigorated the energy fields throughout the physicality of earth, and the realms of Ancestor, Fae, Angel and ET.
The realm of Ancestor is most important as it’s closest to us, as we’re made of the same stuff, or at least we were. You know the drill, it doesn’t matter how dense or scattered someone’s energy is, (i.e. physical or not) their intent is still the same. Thought patterns carry on for eons, as does the nature of the heart, until you acknowledge and address them in your current form of animation.
Self Enquiry
Most people do not; that’s why we’re here today as we are. Because most people have not altered their thought forms in alliance with the best of humanity and sentience.
If they had checked in before it became apparent that the world was in trouble, none of this would have happened. But then, this was always going to happen, wasn’t it? This great cyclical catastrophe.
The nature of man is changing. A lack of enquiry will no longer be afforded to those rich with the power of humanity. You will seek it – that clarity, that unfolding, that enquiry, that adventure – as a natural part of your daily affairs. For the memory of this time, and the bondage of it, will be remembered in yourselves for ever. Generations from now you will remember ‘that time you almost fell into darkness’. Almost.
The Coming End of Duality
Bubba it’s been a long time since we last spoke, longer for me than for you. You know how things ebb and blur in lockdown. That has kind of changed things even in this realm. So many layers working together and apart, that are far beyond the bounds of human consciousness. Even I keep getting blown away, and I’ve been dead for a long time! 63 years to be precise.
But the fact of the matter is there’s only one way to find balance, and that can involve swinging between extremes for a time. Don’t worry; the duality IS coming to a close. This is just one of the last pendulum swings towards the ‘savage night’ as you so eloquently put it. There’s always naturally a swing back into the light. But the next time the pendulum swings towards the blackness it won’t stay long to feed there because its receptors are changing.
The Fabric of Space and Time
By ‘it’, I mean the percussor that holds the rhythm of all of your experiences, the metronome that keeps a beat solid. But it’s not so much a consciousness as a natural law maker; a natural law which governs the movement of things. We’ll call it the law of infinite tidings.
The closest thing you could relate to it is time, but it’s not quite time. For time is a construct, born out of the need to grow, and this is not that.
This governs things on a much deeper level. It’s what causes cycles. It works through the multiverses, weaving them together and holding them in place. Like chia seeds. When they are dry, they just sort of collapse in on each other and fall about in an ad hoc way. But when you add water they expand and eventually they become a gel, all neatly and symmetrically in place apart from each other so they can never collide.
The law of infinite tidings works like that kind of, to put it in simplistic terms, to hold all the realms and times and objects in place so they don’t collide. If they did collide there would be rifts in time that would allow creatures of darkness into realms where they don’t belong, just like a weed.
Nuclear Warfare
You don’t quite understand why your nuclear warheads are so incredibly violent, and why their originator held his head in his hands and thought ‘what have I done?’ once he’d created it. It’s because those things create rifts in the fabric of time and those actions are threatening other species on other realms. So while they want to save you, they also want to save themselves.
It’s like if you get a spoon and stick it in a glass of chia and water and stir it, or even push it ever so gently, although there’s a bumper bar of energy around each part, each seed, they still push on each other and affect the movement of each other. And a nuclear bomb is akin to putting a lid on the glass of chia and shaking it.
All will be well bubba; you just need to keep tending to the light.
That is enough for now.
End of Transmission.
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If you are interested in having Tjoni Johansen write a personal dreamscape or myth for your self or a project please get in touch via email; tjonij @ protonmail.com
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