I’m talking to Aunty Jude down at the beach.
When I first saw her, she appeared very shrunken, as if she’d lost a lot of her force. I was going to send her love but then I realised I needed to shift over to Theta and send it from spirit direct. Sometimes it’s just not appropriate to send energy through your own body. As I started filling her up I noticed Katie next to her. Katie seemed Ok. She just nodded in thanks.
Aunty Jude said when she got some energy back, that she’s had to stay disconnected from spirit, as I was wondering why it is that she can’t fill herself up. She said that the game they’re playing in at the moment, the realm they’re working in, they kind of need to stay underground. Which means being hidden. Which mean being disconnected from spirit. So I sent her quite a bit of energy. Not through me, but directly from source, and she seems a lot better. She said it’s Ok, she said I am safe.
She wasn’t so convinced about herself though, and I noticed her energy was full but in an odd way. Then she said she’s been kind of eating up the Hungry Ghosts, almost like digesting them, processing them. She said she’s Ok, the process is happening, and then she said something odd.
She said when I’m sending her that love, that’s making the Polar Bears smaller. Well I haven’t heard of Polar Bears before and she’s about to tell me about it now, so she suggested I pick up my phone and record this message. Then the word switches to White Bears.
White Bears vs Black Bears
She says that the Black Bears exist because of dead entities, which come into being through dead negotiations, whereas White Bears are more like a ghost. They are what happen when two living entities create a transaction. I asked if they were something like Angels. She said no, because Angels don’t have spirits, they’re healers, they’re not human. A human can house an Angel but an Angel is not a human, and even a Fallen Angel doesn’t suddenly become a human. That’s something else, and it’s not a Dark Angel, it’s not an Angel of Death, because those Angels are still living out their purpose.
Fallen Angels
When an Angel falls it becomes like a rot. I get the sense of dirty oil or something like that, it becomes a rot. It doesn’t feed, it doesn’t eat, it’s not like a Hungry Ghost that just unconsciously eats up energy. It doesn’t eat anything, it just simply rots.
It’s the opposite of healing. When you heal something you bring light into it, you help it to align with life. When something rots the life comes out of it. But it’s the putrid part of the rot where things just break down, it’s not the bit where things transmute and turn into other fertile means for more life. It just simply rots. It’s kind of an unhindered, uncalculated, untempered rot.
But that doesn’t seem to be the main stream of the conversation, we digress.
What do White Bears do?
Let’s come back to Aunty Jude and her interaction with these entities and the White Bears. She says the White Bears are our allies. They have the ability to communicate with each other very very fast, similar to the transmission of information through water. It’s almost immediate right across the globe, which is how the trees can connect with each other instantaneously.
The White Bears have this similar ability. They’re not Fae, they’re denser than Fae. In Hawaiian Shamanism there’s a term called Ku, and Ku is the part of our human system that takes potential and turns it into human manifestation. It’s kind of that. It’s the part that feeds of itself. It’s almost like when we put out light we get bathed in the reflection back of it, so by gifting we also receive instantaneously. Kind of like that with the white bears.
They don’t have anything particular to feed. It’s almost like they’re just waiting for the seeds or waiting for us to plant a seed through an idea. So by sending our positive loving energy into the Earth and throughout the Cosmos, we’re actually feeding the White Bears, and they in turn can help feed us. They’re like the entity that, when we put out ideas, about things that are beneficial for all sentient beings, things that are in line with the natural laws of Nature, in that spirit of cooperation and symbiosis for all Sentience, it’s like they attune to that and they come and feed it.
They’re the part of the cosmos that helps to connect us with other like-minded beings. So when we have an idea of something that we’d like to generate in our life, an experience that we’d like to have, it’s like the White Bears can read that. They’re like little sprites that then can dart around instantaneously and find the other beings, the other circumstances, the other opportunities, that will help to feed that, and they help to weave all of those parts into the fabric of our future history so that we may ‘accidentally’ bump into it.
How do they inspire appropriate action?
So they are part of manifestation, they’re the positive part of manifestation. They’re the creators, and like the things that pull all the building blocks together. Once they know how the building blocks wish to be formed;
They’re the Sprites that inspire you to suddenly watch that video that suddenly put you in contact with the people you need to see.
They’re the Sprites that make you turn right instead of left at the intersection and to bump into a friend you’ve been thinking of.
They’re the sprites that tell you to quickly look at your social media feed and you see a post describing the very job you’ve been looking for.
It’s those kinds of things.
That’s what the White Bears do. They connect us. That’s how they differ from the Fae. The Fae are the realm of inspiration, the un-manifest, and the magic. Whereas the White Bears are the catalysts, the connectors, the movers, the instigators that help bring all of the elements and the elementals together. To bring that magic to light, and into the world.
Also it’s the white bears that will help us, to connect with the land in order for those things to happen.
When Black Bear meets White Bear?
And oddly, when a White Bear meets a Black Bear, the light of the White Bear diminishes the black of the Black Bear. Then the Black Bear leaves behind a seed, that thought, that ignition, that pattern. Once that pattern or thought in the dreaming is picked up by someone or someones, it is then the White Bears that weave the threads throughout time space, to draw all of the required components into that being.
So keep feeding the White Bears. In the next month it is going to be absolutely paramount, absolutely paramount, to keep weaving those threads, to keep shining that light. We need to keep feeding the White Bears; they’re going to help bring all of our dreams all of the beauty, all of the hope, all of the wonder of this world in it’s most life affirming form, it’s going to help bring those into existence,
White Bears and The Ancestors
And the White Bears are also helping our Ancestors in the Spirit realm to do their work. It’s the White Bears that carry our love, that carry our light, to the entities that need it most. It’s the similar messenger that sends Reiki energy to the part of your body that needs it most no matter where the Reiki Practitioners hands are placed. Now the White Bears are the ones that take your love and take it to the people, the entities, the energies that are fighting the good fight in Light and Love. So we must all trust that our love is reaching the beings on all levels across all dimensions, throughout time, throughout space, that need it most.
Thank you Nonna.
And she says one more thing; that it’s really important for us to send our love into the light and into the dark, diminish the unconscious feeding of the Black Bears and feed the conscious spark of the White Bears.
And she wants me to say I love you, to all of you that are listening. And I do.
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If you are interested in having Tjoni write a personal dreamscape or myth for your self or a project please get in touch via email; tjonij @ protonmail.com